Monday, May 4, 2009

Reflection on John 20:1-18

Welcome to this blog. I only have one question for you today. It is the same one Jesus asked Mary in the garden as she glanced hysterically at the risen Lord, but did not recognize him in the least. “Whom are you looking for?” “What exactly are you looking for?”

Whom are you looking for? What exactly are you looking for as you surf through blogs? Are you searching for a spiritual experience that will completely rock your world? Are you searching for a great church to visit? Would moving cyberlights flashing all around the altar and an accomplished, well polished band be enough to fill your soul? Would professional singers send you out with a charged heart and a willingness to share God’s love? Is a great performance the good news you need? What exactly are you looking for today? Whom are you looking for? If you are searching for spectacle, you may not find Christ. Sometimes it is hard to recognize the Lord. The problem with the Lord is that he is often overlooked because he comes to us as a simple gardener.

Are you searching hear from a seasoned pastor with silver streaked hair whose voice alone will overpower your soul and fill you with a power that you think must be the Holy Spirit? Are you searching desperately from the lips of this pastor the words that will touch your heart; words that will send you literally into tears of joy? What exactly are you looking for today? Whom are you looking for? If you are searching for greatness, you may not see Christ. Sometimes it is hard to recognize the Lord. Remember, he was not born a king, he was born in an animal’s slop trough. Remember, he did not die a king, he died as a criminal, abandoned by his closest followers. The problem with the Lord is that he is often overlooked because his words are more a whisper in the early morning than a loud shout at the end of the day. You probably will not find Christ while staring at a well known Pastor. But, if you look to your side, you may catch a glimpse of an ordinary gardener with words that can moisten a dry soul with the fresh water of eternal life.

What are you looking for this morning? Whom are you looking for? If it is truly Christ you are looking for, you may have a chance. Christ is with you. He is probably much too obvious to be seen right away. He will blend in with the scene completely. But, if you listen closely you will find him. He is the one who will call you by name.

Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?" Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away." Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rabbouni!" (which means Teacher).

You may not recognize him, but he knows you like the back of his hand. In the beginning, he called your name and you were brought into the world. He called you by name, drawing you through the waters of baptism, and soon you found yourself washed clean. He died and saw you struggling in the pit of death. He remembered his promise to you. Again, he called you by name. He took hold of your hand and raised you out into the light. He does not forget a name, and because he remembers, all he calls are saved. You may not recognize Christ, but Christ will certainly recognize his own people.

You may have stumbled on this blog for any number of reasons, but deep down, is Christ the one you are looking for? If you find yourself here today, it is because Jesus called you here by name? Take a look. Listen closely. You will find him. Christ is here. He is very much alive. He is risen.

All Scripture quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyrighted, 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and is used by permission. All rights reserved.

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