Saturday, January 25, 2025

Reflection on Luke 4:14-21

Luke 4:14-21

16 When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: 

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he has anointed me  

to bring good news to the poor.   

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives 

and recovery of sight to the blind,  

to set free those who are oppressed,   

19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

20 And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”


Who is Jesus?  And, what exactly is it that Jesus cares about?  I do not know if you have noticed, but Jesus has been thrust onto the national stage, with people quite forcefully claiming to know who Jesus is and what Jesus cares about.  Some present Jesus as a judger of sin and dealer of appropriate punishment.  Others present Jesus as the one who loves all no matter what.  Still others present Jesus as the one who instructed us to direct our devotion to the government, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” they quip, placing the government higher than Jesus.  And, others present Jesus as a myth whose time has passed, but whose name is still used by the ultra religious to suppress and abuse whomever they please.

So, who is Jesus?  What exactly is it that Jesus cares about?  It is amazing to me that there is so much debate about these questions (people ripping singular Bible verses off of the pages of scripture to support their own paintings of Jesus) when Jesus quite straight forwardly answers these questions himself.  The answers can be found right in Luke 4:14-21, right in the Holy Scriptures.

Who is he?  What does he care about? 

Jesus answers these questions just as he begins his ministry, preaching in a synagogue to the people of his own hometown.  Those who watched him grow up also have ideas about who he is.  Some see him as Joseph’s son, the prodigy of a handyman (Luke 4:22).  Certainly, others know him as the one who listened quietly and carefully in the Synagogue all of those years (Luke 4:16).  They are amazed to hear his gracious words when he finally speaks up (Luke 4:22).  And, still others wonder about the possibility of having a miracle worker standing right in front of them, having heard about all the wonders he did in Capernaum (Luke 4:23).

Like us today, they all have an idea of who Jesus is and what he cares about.  They have painted their own paintings of Jesus and carry those paintings along with.  All of us assume we know who Jesus is, carrying our own paintings, myself included, but how many of us stop and actually take the time to listen to Jesus and find out for certain who he says he is?

Well, on that Sabbath day when Jesus stands up to read the scriptures to the people of his hometown, he intentionally chooses the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, unrolls it, chooses the words that he will read in that scroll, and proclaims:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he has anointed me

to bring good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives

and recovery of sight to the blind,

to set free those who are oppressed,

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).

That was the scripture.  But, it is what Jesus says next that transforms this word from Isaiah into the defining text of Jesus’ life and ministry.  As Jesus sits down to teach, all eyes upon him, he says, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21).

And, what exactly did we hear?  We heard that God’s creating and life giving breath was blowing through him; “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me” (Luke 4:18).

We heard that the Lord has poured the holy oils that designated the king and Messiah on him; “He has anointed me” (Luke 4:18).

That is who Jesus is.  Jesus claims to be the one filled with God’s life-giving wind, word, and Spirit.  And, Jesus is the one for whom the world has been waiting to deliver it from all sin and death.  Jesus is the Messiah.

I do not think that we can properly understand just how jarring a claim this would be to the neighbors who lived across the street from Jesus.  In today’s world we would look at this guy who just got up in the middle of the church service and spoke at the lectern and we would say to each other, “Hold on, you are telling me that the boy who grew up across the street, whose father fixed my toilet and had that same kid out of wedlock; that kid is God’s Son.  You gotta be kidding me.  Who does he think he is to stand up there and tell me anything?”  There is a reason the town tried to throw him off a cliff.

“And, though he is a good speaker, I’ll give him that, listen to what this scruffy, back alley, boy says he cares about.”  The accuser lists off the values of Jesus:

He announces God’s kindness to the leeches of the world; the poor, destitute, and powerless; “to bring good news to the poor.”

He preaches that those rightly in captivity will be forgiven and set free; “to proclaim release to the captives.”

He preaches that the blind (both the physically blind and the delusional in the head) will get their sight again; “and recovery of sight to the blind.”

Not only does he preach that these people will be released, but he preaches that he is the one sent to do it, to smash oppression and grant forgiveness; “to set free those who are oppressed.”

He says that he is here to proclaim that now is the time that God’s acceptance of the unacceptable, and forgiveness of the unforgiveable will begin; “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

And, though it may seem that these are great values to live by, I am here to assure you that caring about the wrong people and forgiving the unforgivable will get your name trashed, will get you thrown off a cliff, and will get you nailed to a cross.  Love is all well and good, as long as we love the right people.  But, if you love and forgive the wrong people, well, love gets nailed to the cross each and every time.  Forcing people to look at the plight of struggling people will get you nailed to the cross each and every time.  Forgiving public enemies and allowing them to thrive will get you nailed to the cross each and every time.

I nail people to crosses in my head all the time.  I have a whole field of crosses in my head, just waiting for people to be nailed.  Am I alone in this?  “Listen, some people are not worth caring about,” I try to convince myself, preparing a cross for them, and for Jesus.  “Some people just cannot be forgiven,” I am so certain, preparing a cross for them, and for Jesus.  How many of you do this?  I cannot be the only one who kills off people in my head, and sometimes push them away for good in my life.

After-all, sometimes we do not actually want to see.  We do not want to see these people.  We do not want to care.  

Some people do not want their eyes opened to the ways of Jesus.  Some people do not want to actually listen to Jesus or consider caring about the people Jesus cares about.  And, thus, we have a huge assortment of paintings of Jesus that, upon close inspection, are much more filled with the brush strokes of the people who did the painting, than they do in actually recreating on the canvas the one they claim to paint.

But, Jesus directly tells us who he is and Jesus directly tells us who he cares about.  We can either be blind to him, or we can call out from the roadside, like the blind beggar in Luke 18, who realizes that without Jesus he has no chance, “Lord, let me see again” (Luke 18:41). 

When we sense our eyes turn away and feel our hearts harden toward someone who is lowly and powerless (not cared about by anyone) we can either happily live with the blindness, or we can cry out, “Lord, let me see again” (Luke 18:41). 

When the blood starts to boil in our veins and we close our eyes out of anger when the wrong people are given attention and the wrong people are released and forgiven, we can either turn away, living with the blindness and hard hearts, or we can cry out, “Lord, let me see again” (Luke 18:41). 

When we paint the Jesus that we want to believe in rather than the one who stands in front of us and proclaims “the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19), we can either hold up our own paintings of Jesus in front of us, staring blindly at our own divine creation, or we can throw them aside and cry out, “Lord, let me see again” (Luke 18:41). 

Because, when we cry out, “Lord, let me see again,” we will discover that Jesus, the Messiah, stops in the middle of his journey along the road, looks at us with love, and says to us, “Receive your sight; your faith has saved you.”  And immediately we will regain our sight and follow him (Luke 18:42-43).

When we follow, we will see that Jesus heals and frees those who are out of their minds, lost in horror and confusion (Luke 4:31-37); we will see Jesus heal and return to their families the destitute lepers who were cast aside (Luke 5:12-16 and Luke 17:11-19); we will see Jesus forgive and heal the poor and crippled allowing them to walk again (Luke 5:17-26); we will see Jesus feed the hungry in abundance (Luke 9:10-17); we will see the sinful son welcomed home (Luke 15:11-32), and we will see Jesus invite the thief who deserves punishment on a cross, into paradise for eternity, just as Jesus dies to save all of us blind, hurt, hungry, hard hearted, and confused people on his cross (Luke 23:39-49).

Who is Jesus?  What does he care about?  Jesus is divine mercy and love with feet and hands, who cares when no one else does.  And, Lord Jesus, on the days that I cannot see that, on the days when I am blind to you and your ways, give me the breath to shout out, “Lord, let me see again.”

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Reflection on John 2:1-11


John 2:1-11

1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to me and to you? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6 Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8 He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the person in charge of the banquet.” So they took it. 9 When the person in charge tasted the water that had become wine and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), that person called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.” 11 Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee and revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.


In the town in which I grew up, there was a house that everyone called the “drug house.”  You see, at one time it was the house owned by the local drug dealer, and he lived there until he was arrested.  Now, the thing that you have to understand about the “drug house” is that even years after the man was long gone from the community, it was still known as the “drug house.”  A new family with little children moved in one year, and when they described where they lived to people, the people would continually respond, “Oh, you live in the drug house.”

And, that is the way it is in small towns.  Things and people are forever known by these singular events. 

If anyone ever mentioned the “Taylor funeral,” people immediately remembered how terrible the music was.  “Old man Taylor was dying to get out of there!” they would joke, to the eternal embarrassment of the musicians. 

The harvest of 1988 was forever remembered as the harvest that never happened because of a terrible drought. 

And, Squishy will forever be Chuck’s name because of what happened in his pants while he was stuck for too long out in left field during the eighth inning of the big game.  Poor Squishy.

Eternal embarrassment.  Lifelong shame.  This is what threatens the lives of people in rural areas, and it is what threatens the lives of this couple who run out of wine at their wedding.  Their wedding is threatened to become “the dry wedding” or “the wedding that ran out of wine” or “wine-less-gate.”  The start of their entire life together might forever be remembered as a joke.  They, themselves, might be remembered as a poor, feeble joke.

I do not intend to make too much of this crisis.  It is not like it is a war.  It is not like it is an event that causes children to starve and die.  There are certainly plenty of other things in this life that are of more importance that running out of wine at a wedding.

“I think they will survive,” crosses most of our minds.  My wife and I did not even have alcohol at our wedding. 

And, Jesus’ initial reaction to the situation seems to be similar.  You see, he, his mother, and the disciples are all at this wedding, and it is Jesus’ mother that alerts him to the situation.  “They have no wine,” Jesus’ mother prompts (John 2:3).  Nudge, nudge, hint, hint.  But, the lack of wine does not seem to get Jesus riled up.  He responds, “Woman, what concern is that to me and to you? My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). 

It seems to me that something as mundane as a lack of wine at a wedding is not what Jesus envisions as the opening moment in his ministry.  Maybe, he is waiting for a Red Sea parting sort of event.  Moses got one of them.  Maybe, something like he got to do later, such as feed well over 5,000 people, is more like what he expects to be his opening sign to the world.  Or, maybe, he is simply waiting, and listening for his Father in heaven to give him a sign.

“Do whatever he tells you,” his mother says to the servants (John 2:5).  If a Jewish mother ordering you around is not a knock in the side of the head, then I do not know what is.  It is his sign.  It is his time.  The servants fill jars with water and Jesus turns it all into wine.  Jesus’ hour has come, but it is in such an ordinary, mundane sort of way.

I think his Father in heaven likes to work that way.  I think that God likes to choose the mundane and unexpected and unimportant in order to do something extraordinary.  I think that God wants Jesus to start his ministry with this common problem because God cares about common, unimportant people.  I also think that God simply desires to bring joy to the world.

Wine is a good place to start if your mission is to bring joy to the world.  In the Hebrew Bible, wine is the sign of joy, blessing, and prosperity.  Psalm 104 declares that the Lord brings “forth food from the earth, and wine to gladden the human heart, oil to make the face shine, and bread to strengthen the human heart” (Psalm 104:14-15).  Notice how wine is put right up there in importance with food.  I think that is because God thinks joy is that important.

The prophet Amos goes even further when talking about what wine offers the world.  Amos tells us:

“The time is surely coming, says the Lord, when…the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it. I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit” (Amos 9:13-14).

When we envision the Garden of Eden, up on God’s glorious mountain, we expect rivers of water (as described in the Bible) to come down the sides of the mountain in order to give life and rebirth to God’s people, but Amos does not envision rivers of water, he envisions rivers of wine.  Amos is my kind of guy.  He envisions a joyful time when the people will live a good life, full of wine and gardens and good fruit.  He envisions a time when heaven will land right here on the earth.

So, maybe, God knows what God is doing when God chooses this wedding to be the time when Jesus is made known to the world. 

Maybe, giving an abundance of wine at a wedding is the way that people will understand that God has placed feet on the earth, bringing the garden and those rivers of joyful wine along with him to everyday people. 

Maybe, God knows what God is doing by saving this wedding couple from shame and embarrassment by offering an abundance of wine, so that they might be known as the wedding that served the best wine last, rather than the one who ran out. 

Maybe, God knows what God is doing by giving the wedding guests the good stuff last, letting us know that the best is yet to come.

And, what is to come is an abundance of goodness.  Because, when Jesus listens to what his Father is up to, Jesus goes right ahead and provides abundantly, to overflowing.  I did the math, we are talking about the equivalent of 1000 bottles of wine that Jesus creates in those bathing jars.  Jesus provides enough wine at the feast to get the wedding party in trouble.  The best is yet to come, and it is coming in abundance.

How hopeful is that?  In a world that is burning, in a world that is crying in grief, in a world that seems turned up-side-down from what it ever was, God wants you to know that the wine has not truly run out, the best is yet to come!  Jesus has more to give to this world, and it is so, so good.  It is life after death.  It is rivers of wine making the mournful sing for joy.  It is abundance.  The best is yet to come.

And, all of this happens because Jesus paid attention.  Remember, Jesus did not think that it was his time, but his Father thought otherwise.  God used a Jewish mother to let Jesus in on the secret, and Jesus paid attention and listened, and goodness overflowed.

I just want to you to understand what the Bible is saying here.  There is nothing wrong with your own expectations being incorrect.  There is nothing wrong with needing to learn something new.  There is nothing wrong with you needing to change course; to change direction in life to do something new.  There is nothing sinful in not knowing.

What is sinful is refusing to learn, and refusing to listen, and refusing to change course in the direction that God leads.  What is sinful is listening to a snake instead of God.  What is sinful is hardening your heart rather than letting God’s people be free.  What is sinful is closing your eyes and ears and hearts to God and what God is up to.  That is what is sinful.

But, Jesus pays attention, and a couple’s shame is turned into a joy that the whole community will remember for a long, long time.  Their story is still shared to this day!

Jesus pays close attention to God again when he had become convinced that he had come only to serve the lost children of the house of Israel.  He is convinced that he is able to help only them.  But, a woman with a sick child, a woman who is not an Israelite, reminds Jesus that even the dogs get to eat to food that the child drops.  Immediately after that encounter, Jesus feeds 4,000 hungry people who are not a part of the children of Israel.  Jesus pays close attention and shifts course, in order to provide in abundance.

There is nothing wrong with your own expectations being incorrect.  There is nothing wrong with needing to learn something new.  There is nothing wrong with you needing to change course; to change direction in life to do something new.  There is nothing sinful in not knowing.

And, because Jesus listened carefully to what God the Father had to say, the blind received their sight, the hungry were fed, to poor were given good news, the world was saved from sin, and, yes, a newly married couple was given the gift of being remembered as the wedding with all that good wine.

So, we listen.  We listen closely.  And, even if what God has to say is different from our expectations, and different from what we are used to doing, we follow anyway.  We do it because even though we do not necessarily know where Jesus is leading us, we do know that the best is yet to come.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Reflection on Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 3:15-17, 21-22


Isaiah 43:1-7

 1 But now thus says the Lord,

  he who created you, O Jacob,

  he who formed you, O Israel:

 Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

  I have called you by name; you are mine.

 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you,

  and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;

 when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,

  and the flame shall not consume you.

 3 For I am the Lord your God,

  the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

 I give Egypt as your ransom,

  Cush and Seba in exchange for you.

 4 Because you are precious in my sight

  and honored and I love you,

 I give people in return for you,

  nations in exchange for your life.

 5 Do not fear, for I am with you;

  I will bring your offspring from the east,

  and from the west I will gather you;

 6 I will say to the north, “Give them up,”

  and to the south, “Do not withhold;

 bring my sons from far away

  and my daughters from the end of the earth—

 7 everyone who is called by my name,

  whom I created for my glory,

  whom I formed and made.”

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

15 As the people were filled with expectation and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Messiah, 16 John answered all of them by saying, “I baptize you with water, but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 17 His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his granary, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

 21 Now when all the people were baptized and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, 22 and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”


Just take a moment and listen again to all of the wonderful promises from God that can be found in Isaiah 43:1-7.  And, as we listen, remember that all of these promises were given to a people who had been cast out from their own land by God because they had failed to connect with one another and had failed to love one another, especially the lowly.  These promises were given to a people who were suddenly forced to live as foreigners in a strange land.  They did not know how to speak the language of the strange land.  The food of the strange land did not sit right on their tongue or in their stomachs.  The new customs were strange and sometimes indecipherable.  But these promises from God ring out as God’s people are finally called to come home.  Here are just a few of these mighty promises:

The one who created you says, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 43:1).

“I have called you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you” (Isaiah 43:2).

“When you walk through fire you shall not be burned…For I am the Lord your God” (Isaiah 43:2-3).

“You are precious in my sight” (Isaiah 43:4).

“I love you” (Isaiah 43:4).

“Do not fear, for I am with you” (Isaiah 43:5).

“I will bring your offspring,” bringing them back home (Isaiah 43:5).

Are not those promises awesome?  We could spend an entire sermon on each one of them. 

Such as: God’s promise to be with us through the waters not only speaks to times that we are drowning in life, but it also intimately connects our overwhelming struggles with God’s ancient people.  And it connects us to the time that God brought God’s people through the waters of the Red Sea and then through the waters of the Jordon River, walking on dry ground, in order to be brought back home to God.

And, “You are precious in me sight” is something that a mother or father whispers to their baby as they rock the baby to sleep, feeling the warmth of the baby’s body soak into their hearts forever.  God’s connection to us is like that.

And, all of the language about bringing “your offspring,” in other words, “you children” home really speaks to us when we feel separated from our children, or we lay awake at night because our children seem to be headed off in the wrong direction and there is nothing that we can do.  The promise that they will come home is the answer to so many parent’s prayers.

It reminds me of an old, old sermon that predates me, and I know for certain that you have heard it over the years.  But I am going to tell it again because it a sermon that preaches to all those who have been called home by God.

A minister had just closed a revival in a huge Midwestern city. He stepped on the train on his way home and found himself seated beside a young man. Just to kind of pass the time away, he tried to start up a conversation. He noticed that he didn't receive an answer. He turned to the young man and said, "Son, I'm a preacher. I'm a minister. I'll be glad to help you any way I can".

And the young man, through his tears, proceeded to tell his story. He said:

"Preacher, two years ago I got so mean at home that my mom and dad couldn't do anything with me. But one day I even went so far as to strike my father with my fist. He told me then, 'Son, I hate to do it. It's going to break your momma's heart. But we want you to just get away from here--just leave this house.'"

"Preacher, I wandered all over this country for the past two years. And then about three weeks ago Jesus found me and I turned my life to Jesus. I wrote Mom and Dad a letter and told them I'd be on this old train. I told them I was coming home."

The preacher said, "Son, that's well and good, but how do you know you're going to be welcome? How do you know that your Mom and Dad will even let you go home?"

The young man said, "Preacher, we've lived beside these old railroad tracks all of my life in a little white house. And out behind the house is a great big old apple tree. And I told my dad in my letter, if I was welcome home and he and my mom could see it in their hearts to forgive me of all the pain and heartache I caused, for Dad to go out there in the backyard and hang a little white rag on top of that tree. And I could see it from the train. And I'd know by that signal that everything was all right."

"Preacher, would you look for me and tell me what you see? I want to go home so bad and I'm so sorry for all the things I've done. Tell me if you see one little teeny white rag on top of that tree."

Well, the old preacher not knowing what to expect wiped the window of that old train off and looked out. And he had a great big smile and said, "Son, you can relax. That apple tree is in full bloom! I never saw so many white rags tied on anything in all of my life. And that's not all. Out under the apple tree I see that grey haired old Mom and Dad standing out there waving a big white bed sheet saying 'Come home son. Welcome home. We love you."

And you know, that's just like God. No matter how we've wasted our lives, no matter how far in sin we've sunk, no matter how lost we get, whenever we reach out to Jesus saying, "Jesus, I want to live for you. Forgive me of my sins." you know that, He'll welcome each and every one of us home.

I was once told that you cannot hear that sermon too many times, and I feel the same way about all of those promises straight from the Lord’s mouth.

“You are precious in my sight” (Isaiah 43:4).

“I love you” (Isaiah 43:4).

“I have called you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).

These are the promises that you need to hear when you are ready to turn your life around and start again.  In the same way, these are the promises that you need to hear in order to set out into the world in the first place.  I think that many people vastly under-appreciate how important both those close, warm infant snuggles, and the years and years filled with words of love truly are.  They set a person on a path of goodness and love.  We might under-appreciate the importance, but God does not.

Just listen to what God the Father has to say to his own Son right before Jesus sets out to minister to the world.

“Now when all the people were baptized and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased’” (Luke 3:21-22).

So, I guess we will add “you are…beloved” and “with you I am well pleased” to the list of promises that God the Father offers to those who are loved.  “You are precious,” “I love you,” “You are mine,” “I am pleased by you,” these are all words that God uses to draw us closer to God’s heart, and to one another’s heart.  These are all deep, holy words that God uses to connect with us.

“I don’t think that my generation understands that sort of connection,” the young woman said as we explored these very scriptures together just the other day.  She continued, “You see, my generation puts our whole lives on social media, and we see each other’s lives on social media, and it seems like we know one another, but we actually have not really connected with anyone.  It seem like we are so connected, but my generation is so lonely.  We do not actually go out to see one another and get together.  We are a lonely generation.”

I was just blown away by her words.  I just had to just sit there and absorb them for a bit, because what she said was so true.  I had never really thought of it that way before.  She was so wise.  There is a whole generation in our world that shares their entire lives with one another, but fails to actually connect.

She said: “‘I love you.’  ‘You are precious.’  ‘You are mine.’  These promises sound so far away from us.  You have no idea how we lack that sort of connection.”

When God speaks these words to a people who had lost their way, God knew what God was doing.  God was drawing them back.  God was connecting.  God was showing love.

When God the Father called Jesus, “Beloved,” God knew what God was doing.  God was laying the groundwork needed for a life lived full of love in a world that was not going to accept it.  God was laying the groundwork for Jesus to commit to loving the world anyway, even if it meant resistance, and even if it meant a cross.  Only a life with a rock solid base of “Beloved,” and “you are my Son,” and “with you I am well please” would be able to withstand the gale force winds and flooding waters of hatred and resistance that Jesus would need to save the world on the cross.  Jesus was beloved, and Jesus trusted it all the way to death.

Do you know what is so crazy to me?  Part of preaching the good news of God in Jesus Christ to this generation, then, is as simple as actually being present and actually connecting.  To a lonely generation that knows what each other ate for breakfast because they read it on social media, but has no deep friends with which to eat that breakfast, having someone in their life who will actually show up and live God’s words, “you are precious in my sight” might actually be lifesaving.

I might actually propose that showing up with love is the good news of Jesus Christ.  In Jesus, God actually showed up, in the flesh, to actually eat a meal with others, and to actually heal the broken, and to actually touch those who felt untouchable, and to actually be there to love the un-loveable.  And, the Holy Spirit is actually within you, touching you, healing you, and working that same love of Jesus within you, drawing you to touch a generation who desperately needs a loving and healing touch.

“You are precious in my sight” (Isaiah 43:4).

“I love you” (Isaiah 43:4).

“I have called you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).

Allow these promises given to you by your loving God, to live in you as God sends you to be the actual hands and feet that connect and take part in drawing the people of the world together once again in love.  After-all, our world needs it.  Your neighbor needs it.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Reflection on Matthew 2:1-12


Matthew 2:1-12

1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, magi from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star in the east and have come to pay him homage.” 3 When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him, 4 and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it has been written by the prophet:

6  ‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,

are by no means least among the rulers of Judah,  

for from you shall come a ruler 

who is to shepherd my people Israel.’ ”

7 Then Herod secretly called for the magi and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. 8 Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.” 9 When they had heard the king, they set out, and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen in the east, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.



God gave the magi a star.

I do not want you to forget this intentional action by the Lord.  God gave the magi a star.  I do not want it to get lost on you just how much of a gift this is, especially considering who they were. 

Typically, we think, these guys are three kings.  Of course, God has their backs.  But, these guys were not kings, they were magi.  They were into astrology.  They were into reading the stars and getting meaning out of the stars, because they (like most ancient people) believed that the stars were actual heavenly beings.  And, if you could figure out what those guys and gals up there in the heavens were up to, then maybe you could figure out what is going on with the stuff down here as well. 

Divination, figuring out what the heavenly beings are up to, was forbidden in Leviticus 19:26.  It reads, “Do not practice divination or sorcery.”  That seems to be a pretty clear cut instruction. 

Could the sun, moon, and stars be used to help predict the seasons and the time of year?  Yes, that was permitted.  God might even use the sun, moon, and stars as a sign or warning (Genesis 1:14).  So, you could watch out for that.  But, are people allowed to use them to eavesdrop on the heavenly council as they make their deliberations?  No. 

Of course, the magi were not Israelites, so we can forgive them for being ignorant of this law.  They had no compulsion to follow Israel’s laws, but that makes it all the more surprising that God chose them.  God gave them a star.  And, if God chose them, God might also choose you.

And, while we are at it, can we mention that it is equally surprising that God gave a star to these people “from the east,” who were not even followers of Israel’s God?  Why would God choose these strangers to reveal God’s greatest gift to humanity?  Why not choose someone who actually knows about the coming of the Messiah; someone who has been eagerly awaiting and praying at their bedside for the Messiah’s coming.  Why not choose someone who cares that the world will finally be set right by God?  I do not know the answer to that.  But, I do know that God chose the Magi.  God gave them a star.  And, if God chose them, God might also choose you.

Many biblical scholars have pointed out that these “three men” might not have been three, nor were they necessarily men.  Even in the Bible there are women mentioned practicing divination.  And, the Bible says nothing about how many visitors there were to Jesus’ home.  That being said, it is quite possible that they were men; after-all, if the three wise women had visited Jesus, they would have brought diapers, formula, and a casseroles or two for the family.  I stole that from the internet.  But, I agree, who gives a baby “gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11)?  But, the magi did.  It was to them that God gave a star.  And, if God chose them, God might also choose you.

You see, the more that I study the Bible the more I think that God chose the magi because they were foreigners.  Just remember that when the Lord called Abraham, he said, “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).  And later after Isaac was not sacrificed by Abraham, God repeats this promise and says, “In your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 22:18).  God has always, from the very start of the story, wanted to reach everyone.  So yes, these foreigners are chosen to see God’s gift of love to the world; God’s love in the flesh.  And, if God wanted to reach them, God probably wants desperately to reach you in a deep way too.

God did send the magi a star, because that was where these magi were looking.  God gave them a star to follow in order to reveal God’s ways to them.  Take a quick note that it was only when the magi detoured from this plan, detoured from that star that some major, life threatening problems were set in motion.  But, we will get to that in a minute. 

First, I just want to point out that these people knew the language of reading the stars, so God started there in order to draw them closer to the Lord’s heart and soul.  God is willing to stoop down and speak our language, to walk with us for a while in our ways, in order to grasp hold of us.  The magi believed those stars meant something, so God made the star mean something.  God gave them a star.  And, if God spoke their language and understood their ways, maybe God understands you better than you can even imagine, and can speak in ways you can understand as well.

God gave them a star.  But, they failed to keep their eye on it. 

They saw the star while they were still in the east, but they failed to follow it straight to God’s intended destination.  The Bible indicates that the magi were detoured, because the first time the magi make an appearance in the Bible is just as they wander into Jerusalem asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star in the east and have come to pay him homage” (Matthew 2:2). 

They were not the first people to take their eyes off of God resulting in a tragic consequence, and they will not be the last.  Adam and Eve took their eyes off of God and trusted the word of a snake instead.  There were tragic consequences.  The Israelites, after being freed from slavery in Egypt, failed to trust God while Moses was away on the mountains receiving the commandments.  There were tragic consequences.  And, I am not even going to start talking about all of the times that I have not trusted in God and the direction that God wanted me to take.  But, if I were, you would see that the consequences, though they did not exactly affect the destiny of all humankind or cause a mass casualty situation, were not good all the same.

For the magi’s part, their failure to trust God, and where God was leading them, caused them to trust in an insecure ruler which lit the spark of a horror that they could have never anticipated.  They went to Herod to inquire about the newborn king.  This caused Herod to be “frightened,” as the Bible says, “and all Jerusalem with him” (Matthew 2:3).  Sure, the magi were given the probable location of the child, the Messiah, the new king, by Herod’s priests and scribes, but they also triggered the fears of a man who did not want to lose power, and set the stage for many baby boys to lose their lives as Herod sought to destroy the future king.

If only they had trusted God and not sought out the wisdom of someone else.  If only they had just looked up, because when they eventually did look up they saw “ahead of them, [going] the star that they had seen in the east, until it stopped over the place where the child was” (Matthew 2:9). 

Have you ever been in that sort of situation?  Have you ever faltered in your trust of where God is leading, and it backfired?  Have you ever trusted in your own smarts or the recommendation of a friend, or simply just ignored God’s leading because it was not to your liking and you did not like what God had to say?  Has anyone ever been hurt because you failed to follow your star?  God gave them a star.

I do not know about you, but those failures, those hurts that I have caused will play over and over again in my mind, usually when I need to be to bed early and get lots of sleep.  It is always on a night when I actually need to be well rested for the next day.  Every, single, time. 

Well, if you understand what I am talking about, then I have a story that I want to finish for you, because, even though the magi take their eyes off of God, God does not take eyes off of them.  God gave them a star, again.  And, if God chose them still, even after their failure, God will also choose you too, after your failures. 

When Jesus instructs us to forgive seventy times seven times, it is because he forgives that many times.  Jesus is always seeking to lead us back.  God is always forgiving and trying to start over with us again. There is always a star to follow.  This forgiveness does not erase the harm that is done, but God always provides a chance at a new start and a new life. 

And, that new start, that chance to follow the star once again, delivers the magi to, as the bible says, “the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2:9-11).  They followed the star, and it led them right to where God wanted them the whole time, to Jesus.  And, when they are with Jesus, their hearts are overcome with joy and gratitude as they give gifts out of thanks for all that God has done. 

God gave them a star.  And, if God chose them, God will also choose you.

Look up and follow your star; whatever that star might actually look like.  It might be a faithful friend.  It might be a faithful coworker.  It might be an unexpected opportunity or seemingly chance occurrence.  Or, it might be an actual star up in the sky.  No matter what God chooses to draw you closer, look up and follow your star.  Even if you have tragically veered off course before, look up again, and follow the star.  Jesus is drawing you closer and closer to his abundant life.  That is the way of love.