Monday, January 18, 2016

A Reflection in Seven Sentences (Based on 1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

I take issue with Paul’s notion that idols do not speak.

He did not get to look beyond the figures of baked clay and metal
to see the ideologies of the modern world
that fight with the unbending words:

“All or nothing.”

Our idols today speak loudly and harshly,
and they have no capacity
for bending,
for forgiving,
or for showing mercy.

They implicitly say,

“Jesus be cursed”

by claiming to have higher importance than Jesus
and his ethic of love for the poor,
the outsider,
and even the enemy.

But, we have the Holy Spirit to speak for us.

We have the Holy Spirit set ablaze within,
who gives us gifts
for the good of all,
and who melts the ideologies of this world as if they were made of wax.

The gifts of the Spirit look different in each one of us,
but they all point over the heads of the idols of this world
to the words of truth written in the heavens:

“Jesus is Lord.”

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